Senin, 19 Februari 2018

daily activity english version

hello guys welcome to my blog
I want to tell my activity today so lets begins

oday is so very tired because me and my friend follow the ceremony in monday, after that we get ready to oneline before than we grooming examination. We were absent one by one. After that we get ready for oneline in the cold kitchen.

After in the cold kitchen we are given material by sir Syahrial, after than we get ready for preapre ingredients for tomorrow and each group is assigned a task, and my group gets the task of making SHRIMP BISQUE.

After prepare we given by senior for break time, me and my friends go to canteen for lunch together. After that we back to kitchen for oneline again and we get ready for general cleaning after finish we also get ready for oneline and brefing go to.

see you thanks for writing.

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