Sabtu, 17 Februari 2018

american breakfast english version

Welcome to my blog, guys..

Today at 07.00 me and my friends get ready for oneline and will go to the kitchen, today is a bit fast time because we will make breakfast that will be in order from the restaurant, after we have been in the cold kitchen we are given material by mr Syahrial after mr Sayhrial finished giving material sir Ical also gave us orders from the restaurant orderan american breakfast.

After we finished our direction we gathered each group, in it consists of 3-4 people. We are directly assigned the tasks of each group and my group is given the task of making egg dishes, after which we also directly take the ingredients, the ingredients are eggs, onions, tomatoes, smokebeff, cheese and butter / margarine. After that we got the orderan from recragan that is omelette as much as 18 orderan, the result is somewhat destroyed hell guys but no problem the name is also still a bit kahet shocked so about the orderan like that.
After we do everything was ready oneline back in the cold kitchen after our oneline we break for 1 hour, after we were given in the directive by sir Ical about the blog and the task we will do that is about the research, after we are given directions from our sir Ical even in the review by senior, not so difficult because we have learned from semester 1 lucky his senior is kind and not arrogant. After the review is complete we prepare for general cleaning, after gc finished we are given referral back by mr.ical and went to home. see you next time guys

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