Rabu, 02 Mei 2018

daily activity english version

 H. Today started at 7.00 am, i went from home to campus and arrived at around 7.32 am. when i arrived, i still had a lot of time to chat with my friends and then at around 8.00 am, The senior told us to go inside the cold kitchen and do one line.

     Not long after we one lined inside the cold kitchen. Mr.Wawan came in and gave us a little motivational speech because we felt a little down after the "Widya Wisata". after he gave us the motivational speech he then left the cold kitchen and then Mr.Jaya came in and told us to prepare rotation menu 2.2 which is Thai Food again. and i helped prepared the Thai Beef Salad. So i went to the butcher and took a whole Beef fillet and cut out the fillet head and fillet mignon and then took the catheubriand cut and then cut it into quarters. then i put it in vaccum back and then cook it using Sous Vide

     . I pan fried it to medium rare and then sliced them thinly and serve it on top of vegetables which consist, Red Lettuce, Cabbage, Shallot, Cucumber and Thai Dressing.

. after around 4 pm we then did general cleaning and then went home around 6 pm after a short closing by Mr.Faisal. Well that is my activities for today. Thanks for reading and

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