Sabtu, 02 November 2019

daily activity english version

after doing training in hotels for 6 months I finally returned to campus in semester 5 back to the kitchen that I really miss, finally I met with friends after 6 months we were involved in the industry in various cities in Indonesia.

in this 5th semester we focused on cakes and bread, but before that we entered fast food while fast food was divided into two groups 1 and group 2. group one got a brazilian menu and group two got a korean menu menu namely gajimari, bimbimbab , ojingeo goi, seolleontang, nanaimo bars, and we are divided to handle this product. I got dessert which is bar nanaimo, bar nanaimo

Nanaimo bar consists of 3 layers: crumb consisting of coconut, cocoa powder, biscuit crumb, middle layer of butter is custardy consisting of butter, sugar and gelatin, and the top layer is chocolate ganache consisting of chocolate and whip cream The ratio is 1: 1

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