Jumat, 22 November 2019

daily activity english version

Today the task of making croissants is finished, we move to the next menu which is to make this kind of ingredients tarlet with pie. Like yesterday it was distributed per group with 2 people. Dan and Iuni immediately prepared the tools and ingredients. tarlet is a kind of dough with a rather hard texture but is often found in our various, Bali for example.

 Pie is very famous as the best-selling pastry mixture. There are various kinds of visa, ranging from collar, cheese, nuts and so on. This visa opens our horizons more into entrepreneurship, where we can open a business in the field of pastry, it's still good if we deal with it, Jan, if in the pastry it should be soft, calm, and Salam from the beginning also cannot be wrong and fatal.

 first I have been said to succeed, starting from the color and texture but the shape must be neater, yes the name is also just learning the first time to make a tarlet. But if there is spare time and allowed to make it again I will make it again in the campus kitchen. I like to make pie, the ingredients are not difficult and quite simple.

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