Sabtu, 25 Agustus 2018

daily activity english version

day I go to campus at 7:00 a.m. and get to campus at 07.05 and we are all oneline at 7:10 a.m. today faisal wants us to come in a little early, almost i am 4 hours but for the no charge today is uni and  Gunawan, and Thursday all oneline in the kitchen and explained what we would make to others.
after that Mr.Faisal then took over and explained a few things about the weight of vegetable, meat, fish, on ala carte dishes and after that we immediately did and made what we prepared the previous day Yudha and I made injin and wanda porridge, Kurnia, and edo makes doko-doko cangkuning. I took the green beans that I had soaked 8 hours before and boiled them immediately until they were a little soft and drained with water then I melted the brown sugar and put it in the green beans then coconut milk, pandan leave, ginger and cinnamon.
after the ingredients have been mixed wait until thickened and ready to be served, and take the bowl and ready to serve even the doko-doko cangkuning is finished and ready to be brought to the restaurant. after the Indonesian buffet is ready we then do general cleaning and eat together then break for prayer and at 17.00 closed by Pak Jaya then we can go home.

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