Rabu, 08 Agustus 2018

daily activiry english version

hello guys welcom to my blog
so today I want to tell
 you my activity today, first Iam wake up from my bed at 5.00 and take a shower and then praying and I make a milk and bread for a breakfast and go to the college at 07.30,at 08.00 we all gathered in the kitchen and  we're given direction by mr.faisal.

and he appointed me and agus to make bassic cutting of vegetable and made a stock initially a bit shock but we had to do it and we started preaparing ingredients to make 14 kinds of piece in vegetable and make a stock after that I helped my group make appatisert namely are macedoine of vegetable,jelly fruit salad and club sanwich.

after all is done we make preparation for tomorrow and after that break and then we do general cleaning with junior first semester abd closed by mr.jaya we all can go home.so guys that is my activity today so tired but fun so thank for reading.

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