Jumat, 10 Agustus 2018

daily activity english version

hello guys welcom back to my blog

this is last day iam doing in the kitchen,enthusiasm jus one day,as always iam wake from my bed at 05.30 its 30 minutes late sih hehehe,and I left for college at 07.30 a.m and we gathered in main kitchen to expain in front my friend what would makes.

this week me and my group got appatisert and we also divided assigment because mr.faisal want at 10 p.m food must be ready . today I made peco doang and sambal tomat for celebes buffet and I started both but pace doang my friend edo was helped me,thankfully we finished on time and there were no negative comments from mr.faisal good cooperation between me and my group.

after all food is ready and brought to the restaurant,we also take a break and eat what we have made,one again the expensive moment occur again,there are moments when we eat together,what will miss if we training.after break we immdiately did GC together with first semester 1 after GC we closed by pak jaya ad we were allowed to go home.

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