Sabtu, 22 September 2018

daily activty english version

today and the next 3 days I will tell you about my experiences in kithen, and for today we all gather in front of the kitchen and check tools by seniors and we enter one by one then Mr.Faisal told us to clean the kitchen before doing, we started cleaning from brushing, watering and sticking, and finished at 9.30 and we were all back on line and given a description by Mr. Faisal about buffet celebes, today we are still preparing.
Buffet menu is a menu that comes from South Sulawesi, namely konro bakar,jalang kote,palu ce'la,pisang ijo . And today my group got a main course and then we started to prepare me and Taufik in charge of making konro I started to make smooth paste or spices and prepare other ingredients when making konro. I started to fine-tune the spices and put ribs and simmer for several hours until soft and it turned out that the konro didn't match the expectations of the boss genk  and told us to make it again.
all the ingredients that we prepare are ready for tomorrow, and we start cleaning with juniors after that we are given 60 minutes to pray and eat after the rest is finished then m.faisal closes and gives a little explanation about the kitchen and we are all allowed to go guys that's my activity today is pretty tiring isn't it..see you.

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